[Coletânea Retratos Subterraneos]

01. Sunseth Midnigth - Love Chaser
02. Elegia - Butterfly
03. Plastique Noir - Those Who Walk By The Night
04. Scarlet Leaves - Faces
05. Laudany - A Cold Whispher (exclusive mix)
06. Seduced By Suicide - Our Gothic Dream (exclusive mix)
07. Imperial - Serpentes
08. Strangeways - M.H.
09. Banda Invisível - Quando As Almas Se Encontram
10. Zigurate - Becos
11. Nenê Altro & O Mal de Caim - Assim Disse
12. Projeto Renfield - Her Shadow
13. Lautmusik - Eagerness is a Distorting Mirror
14. The Downward Path - Sinking (exclusive mix)
15. Bad Cock - The Chosen
16. Pecadores - Apocalipse
17. Necropolis - Reverseless
18. A Industrya - Infinite War (exclusive mix)


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